I haven’t posted any of my ICM homework to my blog yet, so this post will take care of it in one shot! Here are a few of the projects I’ve worked on recently.
Move the mouse inside the window to create sparks!
The inspiration for this one was an equalizer. I ended up spending way to much time thinking about the math of the line heights
click inside the box to start drawing.
float pointsX[]; // array of x coords of points float pointsY[]; // array of y coords of points int circleSize = 2; // size of circle points float lastX; // used to draw lines, holds position of previous point float lastY; // used to draw lines, holds position of previous point long lastDraw = 0; // used to space out drawing lines, tells when the last run happened int delay = 40; // time to delay draw in milliseconds boolean playback = false; // Toggle whether in drawing mode or playback mode int R = int(random(0,255)); int B = int(random(0,255));
int i = 1; // Iterator used to keep track of position when drawing lines
void setup() { size(500, 500); background(0);
// initialize new arrays of points pointsX = new float[1]; pointsY = new float[1];
// assign default first value for first item in array pointsX[0] = 0; pointsY[0] = 0;
lastX = pointsX[0]; lastY = pointsY[0];
// initialize lastDraw variable lastDraw = millis(); }
void draw() {
if (!playback) { fill(255); // draw points at mouse coords when mouse is clicked. Also draw point at reflected x coords fill(R,mouseY%255, B); stroke(R,mouseY%255, B); ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, circleSize, circleSize); ellipse(width-mouseX, mouseY, circleSize, circleSize);
// connect the dots from last point to current point, same for reflected // line(lastX, lastY, mouseX, mouseY); // line(width-lastX, lastY, width-mouseX, mouseY);
// set current point as new last point for connecting dots lastX = mouseX; lastY = mouseY;
// append new points to array pointsX = (float[]) append(pointsX, lastX); pointsY = (float[]) append(pointsY, lastY);
// DEBUGGING - print length of arrays //println(pointsX.length);
// This is triggered when the user presses the 'P' key, for playback if (playback) {
// Check to see if a second has passed since the last run. Used to space out the drawing if (millis() - lastDraw > delay) {
// Draw circle for endpoint at position held in array, and on the mirrored side as well fill(R,pointsY[i]%255, B); stroke(R,pointsY[i]%255, B); ellipse(pointsX[i], pointsY[i], circleSize, circleSize);
// width - point is used to mirror the points onto the right side of window ellipse(width-pointsX[i], pointsY[i], circleSize, circleSize);
// connect dots with lines on each side of reflection // line(pointsX[i-1], pointsY[i-1], pointsX[i], pointsY[i]); // line(width-pointsX[i-1], pointsY[i-1], width-pointsX[i], pointsY[i]);
// increment iterator i = i + 1;
// set last draw at current millis lastDraw = millis(); } else {
// when iterator reaches length of points arrays, return to draw mode if (i == pointsX.length) { playback = false; i = 1; } } }
void mouseClicked() {
// draw points at mouse coords when mouse is clicked. Also draw point at reflected x coords ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, circleSize, circleSize); ellipse(width-mouseX, mouseY, circleSize, circleSize);
// connect the dots from last point to current point, same for reflected line(lastX, lastY, mouseX, mouseY); line(width-lastX, lastY, width-mouseX, mouseY);
// set current point as new last point for connecting dots lastX = mouseX; lastY = mouseY;
// append new points to array pointsX = (float[]) append(pointsX, lastX); pointsY = (float[]) append(pointsY, lastY);
// DEBUGGING - print length of arrays //println(pointsX.length); }
void keyPressed() {
// DEBUGGING println(keyCode);
// Check for 'P' keypress to begin playback mode if (keyCode == 80) {
// Begin playback playback = true;
// Set backgorund to black background(0); } }
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